Friday, August 16, 2013

Shoes, Sewing, and the lack thereof

I guess it's become pretty obvious that I haven't been doing much sewing in the past year. In fact, it's more than obvious. Every so often I'll log in, look longingly at my sewing machine, and then go back to my homework, or head off to practice. Basically, I've been doing anything but sewing. However, this past week, I've decided to get my crafting cap back on and painted some peanut inspired toms! Should I post a template or tutorial? I just... Wanted to share something to let everyone know that I'm still doing something with my life. Furthermore, would anyone be interested in buying these or a different design? I'm thinking of opening an etsy shop... Then again, I barely have time for my schoolwork! If you like them, comment!


  1. so excited to see what else you come up with!


  2. Way way too cute! I'll have to give this a try. My daughter will just love it!

  3. So cool! I love the quirky style. Your blog is great; I just started a similar one and will be taking lots of inspiration!


Thanks for commenting! Feel free to leave your website name- I'll be sure to check out what your needle and thread have been up to lately! <3 Lilly