Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pattern Search!

Hi everybody-Lilly here! After scouring my favorite pattern site,, I was insanely dissapointed to find that most all of the cute patterns cost money. OMG! Real Money! :)
 So, I am looking among other sites, checking if they have what I want. Here's where you come in. If you have seen patterns like this on any website, simply email me at . Even if you find a pattern that isn't included in my pictures, email me anyway! I would love to hear from you-and my Back To School wardrobe would too! Here's some of the items I am looking for:
 Cargo Jeggings
 Crop Top
 Twisted_hem_dress_mediumThis, Sadly, is a real pattern, but if you can find a cheap  free pattern, for it, great!

Jersey Knit Tops and Jeggings! Yah, Jeggings would probably be very complicated to sew:(
 Thanks so much for your help! All entries/finds will be posted under the "Patterns" Tab! Thanks again, Lilly :)

1 comment:

  1. While I was looking for the patterns you wanted i found this cool website for sewing that might be helpful! Just go to and like the name of the website there are a whole bunch of free sewing patterns!


Thanks for commenting! Feel free to leave your website name- I'll be sure to check out what your needle and thread have been up to lately! <3 Lilly