Friday, July 15, 2011

Episode 3 is HERE!!

After a long, long, wait, it's safe to say that episode three is finally here. This cute hat will definatley be a big part of my wardrobe next year! Check out the pics at the bottom of this post!


  1. Hi everybody! I've been experimneting with my camera lighting lately. What do you think of the pics? Also, what garment/accesory should I feature on the next Summer Sew-Along?
    Happy Sewing, Lilly! :)

  2. Like the hat! Looks like something Jessica Alba could wear.

  3. omgosh ur hats are sooooo cute!!!!!!!!

  4. Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!


Thanks for commenting! Feel free to leave your website name- I'll be sure to check out what your needle and thread have been up to lately! <3 Lilly