Saturday, July 9, 2011


I've been thinking about doing a TeenSew contest. Have any ideas? Please comment in the box below!
Here's my ideas:
Hall of Designs
Pattern Giveaway
Any Ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your comment, and sorry it took me so long to answer you!

    I got interested in sewing when we had sewing class in elementary school, and then I started to sew some simple things at home. Now I laugh when I think of the garments I made back then, they're actually kind of awful. And then when I should choose focus for highschool I chosed to study fashion design, and that's when I became a lot better and started to make more "professional" clothing. The fashion show was a show that my school arrange, so that's how I became a part of it. But I guess if you want to show your stuff at a fashion show it's good to have a nice portfolio and just ask around to people that arrange that kind of stuff. I don't really know!

    This looks like a great blog, I'll definitely read more :)


Thanks for commenting! Feel free to leave your website name- I'll be sure to check out what your needle and thread have been up to lately! <3 Lilly